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Launcher preferences


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How do I access the launcher preferences?

  1. Click the "Preferences" button (one with three stripes) Preferences button
  2. Select the "Launcher & game preferences" item Launcher & game preferences

Preferences description

"Minecraft" tab

  • Directory: game data folder path
  • Resolution: game window size at startup

    This setting does not affect the fullscreen resolution

  • Fullscreen: force fullscreen mode for the game
  • Version list: selects displayed Minecraft versions
    • Remote from server: download a list of available versions from online sources
    • Modified: Show modified game versions (with pre-installed Forge, Fabric, OptiFine...)
    • Alpha: Show Minecraft Alpha (released about 2010)
    • Beta: Show Minecraft Beta (released in 2010-2011)
    • Show old releases: Show releases before 1.8
    • Snapshots: Show snapshots (unstable, preview game versions)
    • Experimental: Show experimental snapshots (e.g. combat test)
    • Launchers: Show other launchers

      There is no such versions now, this setting is obsolete

    • Only installed: Hide non-installed Minecraft versions

      When enabled, new versions should be installed using "Manage versions" menu (accessed with "Preferences" button)

  • Java/JRE: select the Java version used to launch the game
    • Recommended: Launcher will automatically download and use the Mojang recommended Java version

      You can customize these versions

    • Current only: Launcher will use the same Java executable used for starting the launcher
    • Custom: Select custom java by providing a path to bin/java or javaw.exe JRE executable
  • Memory (RAM): select the amount of RAM allocated to Minecraft

    You can enter any value in the text box to the right of the slider

    • Auto: allows the launcher to change the amount of allocated RAM on its own
  • GPU: Select GPU used to run Minecraft

    This option is only shown on compatible systems

    • Use system settings: system settings will be used
    • Use integrated GPU: launcher will force integrated GPU to be used

      Using an integrated graphics card will often result in a significant drop in game performance, but will save laptop battery and reduce device heating

    • Use discrete GPU: launcher will force dedicated (high-performance) GPU to be used
  • skins: use skins in the game

    This option is respected only for "w/o password" accounts


    This option will be moved to "Manage accounts" menu in 161.0

  • Suggest servers: allows the launcher to add recommended servers to the in-game "Multiplayer" menu

    There are no suggested servers for non-RU/non-CIS countries

  • Use GameMode: enable GameMode optimizations on game launch

    This option is only shown on compatible systems

"Launcher" tab

  • Window size: launcher window size
  • Font size: launcher font size

    We do not recommend using this option. This option will be removed in 161.0

  • Main form location: main (login) form position
  • Look and Feel: theme selector
    • Dark, Light: select basic dark or light theme
    • Auto: automatically select theme based on system settings
    • Use system L&F: use Java default L&F
    • Don't change L&F: disable any theming
  • Background: set custom background image. Supported image formats are jpg and png

    If you're using a JRE with built-in JavaFX the launcher will allow you to set a mp4 video as background

  • Logger: enables debug logger (with launcher and game debug messages)
  • Full command: when disabled hides non-essential Minecraft launch arguments in logger messages
  • After starting Minecraft: select launcher action to be executed after starting the game
    • Hide Legacy Launcher: hide launcher window and open it back when the game is closed
    • Close Legacy Launcher: fully close the launcher. Logger and Crash Manager will not be able to function
    • Do nothing: do nothing, launcher window will stay open

      We do not recommend using this option for the purpose of running multiple game clients from a single instance of the launcher

  • Crash Manager: enables crash analyler that will suggest possible solutions to the most common problems
  • Alert on new: launcher will display a message with a list of releases, snapshots and modified versions that have been released (or updated) since the launcher was closed.
  • Notices: show ads and announcements under the login form
  • Beta branch: allows upgrading the launcher to the latest beta version
  • Language: selecting the interface language used in the launcher. Does not affect the game

"Java/JRE" menu

  • Select Java: select the Java version used to launch the game

    This option is identical to the setting located on "Minecraft" tab

  • Java settings
    • Path: path to used Java executable
    • Java arguments: JVM (Java) arguments, e.g. -Xmx or -Xms
    • Minecraft arguments: Minecraft arguments, e.g. --server or --fullscreen
      How do you figure out where to put the argument?

      JVM arguments usually start with one hyphen.
      Minecraft arguments usually start with two hyphens.

    • Wrapper command: command used to "wrap" Minecraft. Useful for tools like MangoHUD or Gamemode